Thursday, September 29, 2005


I obviously didn't have enough to drink because it's 6:30 a.m. and I'm wide awake.

Maybe I'll go to Walmart. I do need a binder...and eggs.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Summary Judgment is 1-0. Woohoo!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

on regret

Just spoke to LH about ACL. He said Wilco put on the best show he'd ever seen them put on. Jeff Tweedy danced! And I missed it. :o( It was 104 degrees outside today, so partly I'm not sorry I didn't go...but partly I am...because I love me some Wilco.

At least I got to hear SOUNDteam on Friday. It was super great. (SY thought so too. Woohoo! A convert!) The whole band played with tons of energy (which is even more impressive considering they'd already played earlier that day at ACL, in the searing sun no less) and sounded tighter than I've ever heard them. So yeah. It was awesome. Couldn't even be ruined by the skeevy drunk guy who offered to let me sit on his shoulders for $3. (He eventually lowered the price to 57 cents. I declined.)

Anyway, their EP comes out Oct. 18!

I wasn't as impressed by the Walkmen. Their encore set was pretty good, but to me the rest was just noise. I don't have anything against noisy, but there's good noisy (Pixies), and there's bad (screaming faux-Pixies). Maybe they play better outdoors.

Ok, in the interest of full disclosure, I should admit I've never liked the Walkmen. They have their moments, but on the whole, I just don't feel the love (same goes for Bright Eyes and Modest Mouse). I'm not unreasonable, though; I went into the show prepared to change my mind, but it didn't happen. Sorry, MO. But you mock me for liking the Postal Service, so we're even.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Just got an email from UT. Due to Hurricane Rita, classes will be cancelled...on Saturday. Yay.

I discovered tonight that the vent hood of my stove does indeed work, which is good. Maybe now I'll be able to make dinner without the smoke alarm going off. (Yes, I know this is my second post about the smoke alarm going off. It's not what it looks like, I swear.)

Yesterday, SH and I went to HEB. SH had a watermelon in her cart. While we were in line, a random guy walked up to her, looked in the cart, exclaimed, "Watermelon! Dude, that's an awesome idea!" and scampered off. We were both confused. Clearly not as confused as he was, though.

Let it be noted that it's Thursday night and I am at home, reading Contracts, not out on 6th for Bar Review. This is of momentous import. It's no secret that I was quite the slacker in undergrad; BS once called me "the worst study-er [he'd] ever seen." And he was an engineer, so he knows from studying. Anyway, baby steps. Maybe I'll have an appreciable attention span by Christmas.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

on predestination

Today in Civil Procedure, we learned about FRCP 12 (b)(6), which enables a defendant to ask for the dismissal of a case on the grounds that plaintiff hasn't pleaded a claim that would entitle him to relief.

I just got an email from my dad because he needs me to edit a memo for him. Lo and behold, it's called "Notes on FRCP 12(b)(6)."

This is obviously a sign from God.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

mmm....chocolate chip brownie with ice cream.

Jason is the best!!! :o)

Monday, September 19, 2005

exercise canceled until further notice

I've lost 5 pounds in the past two weeks. As a percentage of total body weight, that's not so good.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

on schadenfreude

Kid upstairs is playing the music again. It's actually not that bothersome right now since I'm neither studying nor trying to sleep, but I went ahead and knocked on the apt. manager's door to see if he wanted to come over for "proof," so to speak. After all, I'm a law student, and ancient to boot. It's possible I'm just crochety.

He said he didn't even have to come over and hear for himself--he'd already gone over to give the kid a warning, and the kid obviously wasn't listening to him, so he was going to call the parents tomorrow morning and let them know that if the kid doesn't watch it, he'll get evicted AND they'll be liable for his entire year's rent.

Muahahaha. Muahahahaha.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

on human idiocy, part 2

Yesterday we had our law school field day. "Race Judicata," they call it. Yuk yuk. :o) 'Twas a good time. Would've been better if we'd won, but at least we played it clean, not like the other society that won by cheating at egg toss, or the society that tried to psych out our bocce ball players by yelling "Sutton sucks!" while they were throwing. Stinkin' gunners. You're just jealous of our awesome baby blue shirts. (I'm not being sarcastic; I really think our shirts are the best.)

But I digress. So I'm sitting on the bleachers between events, hanging out, when this guy walks up to me and greets me by name. I'm immediately weirded out by this, as I don't recall ever having met him before. Apparently he asked me my name in Contracts. I guess I told him and promptly forgot. Anyway, our conversation:

random sketchy guy: Hey, SP.
me: Um. Hi?
rsg: You know that girl AT in our Contracts class? Small, Asian?
me: Um. I guess so, not really.
rsg: She was talking shit about your tug 'o war skills.
me: Um. Okay?
rsg: Yeah, she was over there while y'all were playing tug 'o war, saying, "man, that chick SP, I could take her out anytime." I think she wants to start something.
me: All right.....?
rsg: Yeah, I think you should go over and tell her you're not gonna take that.
me: Okay......? (thinking: what I should really be doing is running away right about now.)
rsg: And when you do, I want to watch.

Okay freakazoid, I don't know how you and your asian fetish got in here, but I think I'm going to find a way of spinning this as an Honor Code violation so that mistake can be rectified.

Friday, September 16, 2005

on human idiocy

This morning, about 4, I was awakened by the sound of something hitting the outside wall of my bedroom. In my stupor, I thought it was the paperboy, delivering papers by throwing them against my apartment. So I just stayed in bed, figuring he'd deliver his papers and drive on, leaving me to a dreamless slumber.

Alas! it was not to be. The sound continued, and finally I got up and opened the blinds, only to see--

MY ASSHOLE UPSTAIRS NEIGHBOR, OR HIS ASSHOLE FRIEND, THROWING BASEBALLS OR ROCKS (couldn't tell--I'm nearsighted) AT OUR WALL. Drunk, of course. It took him a while to notice me standing there, my arms up in a "what the hell?!" position. I think I even yelled, "what the hell?!" but owing to physics and his inebriated state, I'm not entirely sure he heard me. He did stand there and laugh, though.

After about two minutes, a visual signal finally reached his pea-sized brain. It then took another minute or so for his brain to process that visual signal and its meaning, at which he finally slunk off to join his fellows under the nearest rock.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

on malnutrition

*phone rings*

me: hello?
mom: hi, where are you?
me: at my apartment.
mom: what have you been eating?
me: ....
mom: you've been eating that barbecue chicken from h.e.b. for the past four days, haven't you?
me: ....
mom: that's it. i'm coming over.

thanks Mom. :o)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

good soundproofing makes good neighbors

The people upstairs are so obnoxious. If I weren't already awake, I'd be really pissed.

On a brighter note, hook 'em Horns! Take THAT, Buckeyes! :oD

Friday, September 09, 2005

Number of clocks/timekeeping pieces in my apartment: 7
Number of clocks/timekeeping pieces in my apartment that say the same time as each other: 0

I have no idea what time it is.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

on common sense

When in the course of making dinner the smoke alarm goes off, it is advisable to immediately remove the offending item from the pan. It is less advisable to grab the entire pan, run outside, and stand there like an idiot.

old habits die hard

I have six pages of Civil Procedure left to read. I was going to finish it tomorrow in the ten minutes I have between Torts and Civ Pro, but then I decided it wasn't far enough into the semester for me to be doing my homework during class. Also, were I to read the remaining six pages during those ten minutes, I wouldn't have enough time to go and get my free coffee (thank you, Fulbright & Jaworski!).

So I will finish it now, and not later. Anyway, these concerns are all moo (tm Joey Tribbiani), as my neighbors are currently making strange whooping/grunting noises out by the pool, precluding me from sleeping. No, they aren't doing that. I don't think.

On an unrelated note, I would like it a great deal if people would say of me: "She's small and she's cute and if you tick her off, she'll kick your ass." I know it isn't true right now, but I'm working on it. Happy childhood notwithstanding.