Sunday, September 25, 2005

on regret

Just spoke to LH about ACL. He said Wilco put on the best show he'd ever seen them put on. Jeff Tweedy danced! And I missed it. :o( It was 104 degrees outside today, so partly I'm not sorry I didn't go...but partly I am...because I love me some Wilco.

At least I got to hear SOUNDteam on Friday. It was super great. (SY thought so too. Woohoo! A convert!) The whole band played with tons of energy (which is even more impressive considering they'd already played earlier that day at ACL, in the searing sun no less) and sounded tighter than I've ever heard them. So yeah. It was awesome. Couldn't even be ruined by the skeevy drunk guy who offered to let me sit on his shoulders for $3. (He eventually lowered the price to 57 cents. I declined.)

Anyway, their EP comes out Oct. 18!

I wasn't as impressed by the Walkmen. Their encore set was pretty good, but to me the rest was just noise. I don't have anything against noisy, but there's good noisy (Pixies), and there's bad (screaming faux-Pixies). Maybe they play better outdoors.

Ok, in the interest of full disclosure, I should admit I've never liked the Walkmen. They have their moments, but on the whole, I just don't feel the love (same goes for Bright Eyes and Modest Mouse). I'm not unreasonable, though; I went into the show prepared to change my mind, but it didn't happen. Sorry, MO. But you mock me for liking the Postal Service, so we're even.


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