Sunday, September 18, 2005

on schadenfreude

Kid upstairs is playing the music again. It's actually not that bothersome right now since I'm neither studying nor trying to sleep, but I went ahead and knocked on the apt. manager's door to see if he wanted to come over for "proof," so to speak. After all, I'm a law student, and ancient to boot. It's possible I'm just crochety.

He said he didn't even have to come over and hear for himself--he'd already gone over to give the kid a warning, and the kid obviously wasn't listening to him, so he was going to call the parents tomorrow morning and let them know that if the kid doesn't watch it, he'll get evicted AND they'll be liable for his entire year's rent.

Muahahaha. Muahahahaha.



At 12:20 AM, Blogger Jason Samuel Yeh said...

you wield too much power. it's awesome.


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