Wednesday, September 07, 2005

old habits die hard

I have six pages of Civil Procedure left to read. I was going to finish it tomorrow in the ten minutes I have between Torts and Civ Pro, but then I decided it wasn't far enough into the semester for me to be doing my homework during class. Also, were I to read the remaining six pages during those ten minutes, I wouldn't have enough time to go and get my free coffee (thank you, Fulbright & Jaworski!).

So I will finish it now, and not later. Anyway, these concerns are all moo (tm Joey Tribbiani), as my neighbors are currently making strange whooping/grunting noises out by the pool, precluding me from sleeping. No, they aren't doing that. I don't think.

On an unrelated note, I would like it a great deal if people would say of me: "She's small and she's cute and if you tick her off, she'll kick your ass." I know it isn't true right now, but I'm working on it. Happy childhood notwithstanding.


At 8:37 AM, Blogger Jason Samuel Yeh said...

actually, i'm on my way to pick up a starbucks doubleshot espresso right now. mm.


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