Tuesday, November 22, 2005

the panic! the panic!

To do: 22 Contracts exam practice questions, outline UCC, Civ Pro outline, Torts outline, resume/cover letters/research firms, read for Civ Pro, read for Torts, some LRW assignment that I haven't looked at but probably should.

Done: torts reading, and in a half-hearted manner. To quote SH, "I suck at life."

Ok--well, my evening wasn't a complete waste of time; I did discover this. I know, late to the party and all that, but it's highly entertaining. There was an especially guffaw-inducing post about having B < PL tattooed on one's ass. I tried to explain it to K. He did not find it so entertaining. But I think that's because first I had to explain what B < PL meant, only I couldn't remember what the letters stood for, only that it was Judge Hand's formula and that if the risk of X occurring and the damage that would be caused by X occurring outweighed the cost of taking measures to prevent X from occurring, then it would be negligent to not take those measures...and okay, now you won't find it funny either. BUT IT WAS HILARIOUS DAMMIT.

(The worst part is that I don't remember exactly which post it was, so I can't link to it to prove that it is, in fact, funny, and now I feel a little like Big Bird telling a disbelieving world about the Snuffleupagus, and no, I haven't already cracked under the stress of having to take what they call The Most Important Exams of Your Whole Life. Ever. I'm just not so great at explaining things.)

And now it's 2 a.m. and I didn't eat dinner, so I am starving, but if I were to fix something up, that'd take another hour of sleep away from me so I'm just going to eat my fourth Krispy Kreme donut of the day and go to bed.

Friday, November 11, 2005


Iris plays tonight at Mozart's. 8:30-11:30, on the deck. It'll be SWEET!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

bad news


Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Now that Sex and the City isn't only on HBO anymore, I've watched a few episodes and I have to say I don't really get all the fuss. Carrie and Charlotte annoy me. I don't really have any opinion on Miranda. In fact, if I had to pick a favorite character (after all of three eps), it'd be Samantha. (No, I'm not a sex fiend. She just seems way less needy than the others.)

In all fairness, I've only seen 3.5 episodes, so it may be too early to tell. But it was on earlier and I had to turn it off because Charlotte was giving her fiance puppy-dog eyes so he'd buy the $13,000 china at Bergdorf Goodman. Seriously, isn't she an attorney or whatever? She can buy her own stinkin' overpriced china.

Does anyone else hate that Citibank commercial where the guy is searching for the credit card bill, and his wife comes home, and he says "Honey, have you seen the credit card bill?" And his wife--who is incongruously carrying a potted cactus--says, in a faintly airheaded manner, "Oh....I think I might have thrown it away." Hello? If you know right off the bat that you threw it away, why didn't you look for it as soon as you threw it away? The argument that she didn't know she'd thrown it away and so couldn't look for it doesn't hold any water, because if she didn't know, she would've responded with an "Oh--is it not in that pile of papers on the desk?" Or "I think it might be with all the other bills on the kitchen counter." And THEN if she couldn't find it, then she could say, "Oh crap. I must've accidentally tossed it." But no. Gah. (Citibank, what happened? Your commercials used to be hilarious.)

I also hate the Jack-in-the-Box commercial where Jack tries to order lunch, only to discover he doesn't have his wallet. The girl behind the counter is astoundingly flip and stupid. I guess that's the point of the commercial. But it's still annoying.

There was a third commercial I hated, but I guess I don't hate it that much because I don't remember what it is.

Conan is on now. I love Conan.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

art imitates life

You may have seen commercials for the New Jetta--you know, the one where a young couple is dancing around their apartment to some song by Kings of Leon when their crochety and elderly downstairs neighbor, irked by the noise, comes upstairs and tells them to stop. The commercial then cuts to the couple driving around in their dark gray New Jetta, blasting loud music to their hearts' content.

So my noisy upstairs neighbor drives a dark gray New Jetta. Does that make me the old man?

EDIT: Ok, just found the commercial online and it's not dark gray--it's silver. Eh. Close enough.
