the panic! the panic!
To do: 22 Contracts exam practice questions, outline UCC, Civ Pro outline, Torts outline, resume/cover letters/research firms, read for Civ Pro, read for Torts, some LRW assignment that I haven't looked at but probably should.
Done: torts reading, and in a half-hearted manner. To quote SH, "I suck at life."
Ok--well, my evening wasn't a complete waste of time; I did discover this. I know, late to the party and all that, but it's highly entertaining. There was an especially guffaw-inducing post about having B < PL tattooed on one's ass. I tried to explain it to K. He did not find it so entertaining. But I think that's because first I had to explain what B < PL meant, only I couldn't remember what the letters stood for, only that it was Judge Hand's formula and that if the risk of X occurring and the damage that would be caused by X occurring outweighed the cost of taking measures to prevent X from occurring, then it would be negligent to not take those measures...and okay, now you won't find it funny either. BUT IT WAS HILARIOUS DAMMIT.
(The worst part is that I don't remember exactly which post it was, so I can't link to it to prove that it is, in fact, funny, and now I feel a little like Big Bird telling a disbelieving world about the Snuffleupagus, and no, I haven't already cracked under the stress of having to take what they call The Most Important Exams of Your Whole Life. Ever. I'm just not so great at explaining things.)
And now it's 2 a.m. and I didn't eat dinner, so I am starving, but if I were to fix something up, that'd take another hour of sleep away from me so I'm just going to eat my fourth Krispy Kreme donut of the day and go to bed.