Monday, October 31, 2005

the idiocy continues

Those crazy Christians! They sure hold to what they believe!

I sometimes feel like I'm part of this huge extended family (the Smiths)--and for the most part, we're good people, and smart people, but there's this one crazy drunken uncle (let's call him Bob), and he's always going and embarrassing us in public. So whenever people see us, they're like, "Hey! You're from the Smith family, right? You'll never believe what your Crazy Uncle Bob did on Saturday night!" And it becomes all about Crazy Uncle Bob and his crazy uncle antics, despite the fact that said crazy uncle antics aren't actually representative of the Smith family or most of its members.

Anyway. More power to you, AFA and Pro-Life Action League. Way to "be on point!" Way to "stick to the message!" I hope you're pleased with yourselves. Wait. Of course you are. That's why you do what you do.


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