there's a reason I'm not going to be an IP lawyer
Can someone please explain to me why the formatting of my blog has suddenly gotten all wacky? I didn't do anything to the template--in fact, I try NOT to mess with all that because I'm sure I'll inadvertently change some line of code which happens to control the weather in Guam or the foreign policy of the United States. (You know, like that Nationwide Insurance commercial where the guy keeps flipping a light switch which appears not to be connected to anything but is in fact wired to his middle-aged neighbor's garage door opener.)
Anyway, all I know is I posted about the guy who bit the panda* and now the lines don't line up and the links are inexplicably at the bottom of the page. Can someone tell me how to fix this? My inner obsessive-compulsive is greatly disturbed.
*PETA, is that you? Look, a man biting a panda is funny. And clearly, the panda won.
But look--now it's OK rahhh!
it is? it still looks wacky to me. maybe it's my computer.
No, it's not OK anymore.
Probably time to change your template?
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